Spring 2016
Edith Esparza | SPRING 2016 WEEK 10Year: 4th
Major: Business Administration Emphasis: Marketing Additional Majors/Minors: Minor in Educational Studies Hobbies & Interests: Disneyland, reading, home organizing, volunteering with Girls Incorporated, owning own Mary Kay business Campus Involvements: Students Consulting for Nonprofits, Women in Leadership, Latino Business Student Association Work Experience: Reservation Specialist at Student Center & Event Services Plans for the Future: Enjoy some time off and work full-time in a marketing-related field. However, my ultimate career goal is to become a Corporate Social Responsibility Manager, an entrepreneur, and to join the Girls Incorporated Board of Directors. Advice for Merage Students: Get to know your professors, they really are there to help. A special shoutout to Professor Sheppard, Professor Moulik, and Professor Morris. How Merage Has Helped Me: I have become more confident in my professional skills and abilities through all the team projects that I have worked on throughout my time here. Fun Fact: I have a teddy bear obsession. |
Emphasis: Marketing. Hobbies outside of School: Watching films and Youtube videos, cooking, and traveling! Campus Involvements: MUSA Student Representative, Company Relations Intern at the Marketing Association at UC Irvine Plans after Graduation: I hope to become a business analyst at a management consulting firm for a couple of years to accumulate knowledge of various industries and learn business practices. Afterwards, I’d like to work at an international company in tech industry. Advice to the Business Administration Majors: Be involved. Aside from taking classes at the Paul Merage School, you can attend workshops or Merage Faculty Luncheons and talk with business professionals and experienced professors to expand your network and gain career advice. It would also be good for you to go to events hosted by business-related student organizations to meet like-minded people. Seize these opportunities that will help you find the path that best suits you. How the Paul Merage Community has helped me: Being surrounded by lots of smart and conscientious peers is the best part of studying at the Paul Merage School. By talking with them, learning their experiences, and seeing how hard they’re working, I always get more motivated to pursue my dreams. Fun Fact: I’m an exchange student from Taiwan and my REAL major is International Business :) |
Megan Tang | SPRING 2016 WEEK 8Year: 4th
Emphasis: Finance and Marketing. Hobbies outside of school: drawing, weightlifting, and finding new boba and coffee shops! Campus Involvements: Treasurer of Powerlifting club sports Plans after Graduation: I'm planning to move back to my hometown in San Jose to look for a job in the ever growing Silicon Valley. Advice to Business Administration Majors: The Merage business school provides so much for its students to not only grow academically, but to also build a basis for a successful career in the business world. It's important to take advantage of such a valuable opportunity because guidance like that is hard to find once you graduate. How have your experiences with the Paul Merage community allowed you to develop as an individual? How the Paul Merage community has helped me: Just from being in an environment with such driven individuals, I've truly learned what it means to have a passion. And I have never felt more motivated to find my own. Fun fact: I'm a huge fan of Game of Thrones! (Hodor) |
Joanna Xie | SPRING 2016 WEEK 7Year: 4th
Emphasis: Accounting Hobbies outside of school: Badminton, traveling, shopping, and going to Disneyland Campus Involvements: Project Coordinator at the Center for Investment and Wealth Management, Lambda Phi Nu, Accounting Association, Global Microfinance Brigades, The Entrepreneur Association, National Society of Leadership and Success Plans after Graduation: Backpack through Europe, study for the CPA, and will be starting as an auditor for Grant Thornton in the fall Advice to the Business Administration Majors: Get involved early! Go out to different business organizations and figure out what field you are interested in. Not only should you get involved and take up leadership positions in business organizations but you should also join other clubs on campus that interests you. Talk to different people about their experience and develop friendships along the way. How have your experiences with the Paul Merage community allowed you to develop as an individual? By being a part of the Paul Merage community, I have been able to step out of my comfort zone in order to grow professionally and personally. I was able to get a job to develop my professional skills and I took on leadership positions in different business organizations to develop my soft skills. I found what I was passionate about and never gave up on achieving my goals due to the support I received from people in the business community. Fun Fact: I like sea otters. |
Katie Lavelle| SPRING 2016 WEEK 6Year: 3rd
Emphasis: Marketing Hobbies outside of School: Traveling, hiking, going to the beach, listening to music, and exploring new cuisine! Campus Involvements: Kappa Alpha Theta, Vice President of Finance at UCI Panhellenic Association, Houzz Marketplace Product Coordinator Intern Plans after Graduation: I plan to work in the marketing field as a Market Analyst. Advice to the Business Administration Majors: Utilize all the resources the Paul Merage School of Business offers! I've found that the career resources and opportunities to network, attend speaking engagements, resume building, and overall advising to be extremely helpful and has allowed me to grow as a young professional. Unlike other majors on campus, as Business Admin students we are lucky to have a more personal and hands-on experience with our advisors and peers, so take advantage of it all you can! How have your experiences with the Paul Merage community allowed you to develop as an individual?: My experiences with the Paul Merage community have really allowed me to grow as a young professional. Before being accepted into the major this past summer, I did not know how to network efficiently, rarely had to work in groups for courses, or given ample amount of opportunities to get to know like-minded individuals like myself. Now, those are all skills and experiences I have because of Paul Merage and I am so thankful for that! Fun Fact: I'm studying abroad at King's College London this coming fall! |
Linsey Tran | SPRING 2016 WEEK 5Year: 3rd
Emphasis: Marketing, Health Care Management, Organization & Management Hobbies outside of School: Learning how to cook new food, driving to new places with friends/family, watching Shark Tank Campus Involvements (Clubs, Orgs, Greek Life, Jobs, etc): marketing student assistant at UCI Summer Session, marketing intern at educational technology start-up GradeHub, Circle K International, The Entrepreneur Association Plans after Graduation: Working somewhere marketing-related and/or student affairs related Advice to the Business Administration Majors: Take different emphasis classes the Merage School offers (in addition to other major classes at UCI) and find out which ones you are interested in. Once you find the ones you like, go out and find internships/jobs related to the emphases/majors to see which one you want to pursue – you might be surprised which one you end up liking! How have your experiences with the Paul Merage community allowed you to develop as an individual? Merage students are one of the most dedicated and motivated peers I have met and worked with. They inspire me to continue working hard and being open to change as I grow professionally/personally. Fun Fact: I have watched all 7 seasons (147 episodes) of Shark Tank and watch it every day while eating lunch and dinner (hoping one day to pitch to them)! |
Emphasis: Business Administration major still deciding on an emphasis. Hobbies Outside of School: I love to cook, play the piano, work out, and try to catch up on much needed sleep. Campus Involvements: Baseball, Member of National Society of Collegiate Scholars Plans after Graduation: I would like to pursue a major league baseball career or attend law school or work in real estate or work in a non-profit organization. A Business major provides so many opportunities. I have a variety of interests and I am looking forward to exploring my options. Advice to the Business Administration Majors: You get out of the program what you put into it. If you are able, take advantage of all the opportunities and resources the Merage Business Administration Program has to offer. It provides everything necessary to be successful in the world outside of school - resume and interview workshops, networking, internships, career fairs, advising, faculty support, etc. I believe a Business Administration major is one of the few programs where you can take the skills you have learned and be successful right out of college. Usually no one asks a Business Major how they will utilize their degree. How the Paul Merage community has helped me: The Paul Merage community has helped me grow as an individual. In my classes, I have learned to speak up, think independently, and create and express my own opinions. My advisors have been supportive in helping me achieve by finding classes with an impossible baseball schedule. I have been encouraged by my professors who take interest in me not only as a student, or athlete, but also as an individual. Fun Fact: I was drafted by the Arizona Diamondbacks out of high school but chose instead to major in Business and play baseball at UC Irvine. |
Michael Bryan | SPRING 2016 WEEK 3Year: 3rd
Emphasis: Business Administration major with an emphasis in accounting and a minor in Psychology & Social Behavior Hobbies outside of School: Hiking, going to the beach, watching documentaries, traveling, golfing, and spending time with my friends, family, and dog Campus Involvements: Vice President of Finance and Chancellor of Delta Sigma Pi Plans after Graduation: This summer I’ll be interning with Ernst & Young as a part of their tax service line – I hope to continue working with them full-time following graduation next year. I’d also love to start my own business one day. Advice to the Business Administration Majors: Get as much real-world experience in your field as possible. Throughout my past two and a half years at UCI, I have been fortunate to work in various accounting-relating jobs and internships. These experiences have played a significant role in my professional development. Initially as a Freshman student, I wasn’t sure if I would be able to balance a job with school. However, I realized that if you manage your time well, accomplishing a balance between school and work is achievable. How the Paul Merage community has helped me: The Paul Merage community is filled with many different resources that you can use to improve yourself. My professors, peers, and professional business fraternity, Delta Sigma Pi, have all enriched my college experience. This community contains a plethora of ambitious individuals who motivate me to do better. There are so many opportunities to become a better businessperson and leader – Take advantage of it! Fun Fact: I’m a twin! |
Emphasis: Business Administration with an emphasis in Information System Hobbies outside of school: Traveling! I love going on adventures! UCI Campus Involvements President and Marketing Director of Undergraduate Business Association Business Plan Competition Plans after Graduation: I will be working in the information/cyber security field after graduation and hopefully starting my own company soon after I get more work experiences. Advice to the Business Administration Majors: Paul Merage is one of the few places that has abundant resources, tons of opportunities, and like-minded classmates. Take advantage of your time here to find out what kind of person you want to become and take initiatives to achieve the goals you set for yourself! How have your experiences with the Paul Merage community allowed you to develop as an individual? The people in Paul Merage have definitely helped me grow in so many ways, both professionally and personally. I am grateful to each and every one of my friends here for the experiences and conversations we had together. They constantly motivate and inspire me to step out of my comfort zone and become a better person. I could not have become the person I am today without their support and love! Fun Fact: Come talk to me and I'll tell you! ;D |
ariel cheng | SPRING 2016 WEEK 1Emphasis: Marketing
Year: 3rd Hobbies outside of School: My hobbies include pole vaulting, doing gymnastics, eating good food, cooking, watching TV, and hanging out with friends. UCI Campus Involvements (Clubs, Orgs, Greek Life, Jobs, etc): I am a pole vaulter on the UCI Women’s Track and Field team. Plans after Graduation: After graduation, I plan on getting some real world experience. I am not really sure what career path I want to take at the moment, but I want to find something I love to do. Then, I am thinking of possibly going back to school to get my MBA. Advice to the Business Administration Majors: College is supposed to be the best four years of your life so don’t be afraid to take chances and put yourself out there! Go out and meet new people, get involved on campus and with your education, explore your interests, and figure out what you are truly passionate about. Be sure to build lasting relationships with classmates, professors and other faculty; they will be great resources for you during your college experience as well as after you graduate. Also, the major offers such a wide variety of courses so take different classes and explore your options in order to figure out what you would like to do in the future. How have your experiences with the Paul Merage community allowed you to develop as an individual? My experiences have really allowed me to grow and develop professionally. The school has given me countless opportunities and resources that will help me succeed in the future. The program has pushed me to become a better student, business professional, and leader. Over the past couple of years, I have become more confident and comfortable in challenging situations, and I think the Paul Merage community has helped me tremendously in preparing for the real world. Fun Fact: I have always dreamed of being a Cirque du Soleil acrobat! |